Micro controller (AT89C51) hardware design with software development (Device Driver).


This Project “AUTOMATION OF CONFERENCE HALLS” is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of controlling the Electrical devices like Lights, Fans, Air Conditioners, and Projector in the Conference hall very accurately. We place 4 sensors in different entrances When person senses the Main sensor located at the main entrance the door get automatically opens and closed. Depend up on the number of persons entering in to the conference hall the devices are operated. When the person’s senses the sensors located at the 1st entrance their respective devices are automatically operated, its happens to all the entrances in the conference hall. The devices will be only switched OFF until all the persons in the room go out. The total number of persons inside the room is also displayed on the seven segment displays.           
                     The microcontroller does the above job. It receives the signals from the sensors, and this signal is operated under the control of software which is stored in ROM. Microcontroller AT89c51 continuously monitor the LDR receivers, When any object pass through the LDR Receiver's then the signal sends to the controller , this obstruction is sensed by the Microcontroller.

Ø  A brief introduction to internal architecture of micro controller.
Ø  An over view of programming of micro controller.
Ø  An overview on assembly language.
Ø  An overview on interfacing seven segment
Ø  An overview of Buzzers.
Ø  An overview on interface of switches and led
Ø  Sensors interfacing.
Ø  Seven segment Interfacing.
Ø  Stepper motor interfacing
Ø  Dc motor interfacing
Ø  Buzzer, switches, led interfacing with micro controller Relay interfacing.

Ø  A Cross compiler for compiling and linking the code written for AT89C51.
Ø  Serial communication software for downloading code to AT89C51.
Ø  Operating system: Windows XP.
