PC based control and Authorized system with Webcam


This project has been designed with out using microcontroller. It is a PC based project.



Here we are going to construct a PC based control and Authorized system with Webcam. In this project we are making home automation by controlling the appliances through PC at the same time we can restrict the entry of the strangers by placing a secret cam at the Main doors. So, we can navigate the every movement of the people coming in to the house or office. We are not only navigate but also control the appliances (AC/DC) generally using in the home or Office. All these applications are possible by making a model Hardware which is connected to the PC via Serial communication. It is a Friendly user project  because we have a GUI which is in VB6.0


Ø  A brief introduction microcontroller
Ø  An over view of ULN2803.
Ø  An overview on mechanical arrangement.

Ø  serial port interfacing.
Ø  Web cam interface.
Ø  ULN2803 interfacing
Ø  Motor interfacing.
Ø  ULN2003  interfacing
Ø  A Cross compiler for compiling and linking the code written for AT89C51.
Ø  Serial communication software for downloading code to AT89C51.
Ø  Operating system: Windows XP.